Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Tips for Handling an Out-of-Town Job Interview

Tips for Handling an Out-of-Town Job InterviewTips for Handling an Out-of-Town Job InterviewJob bewerberbewerberinterviewscan be stressful on their own, but when you have to travel for out of town or out of state for an interview, the experience can become even mora intense. You need to figure out the logistics of traveling in addition to planning how youll make the best impression on your interviewer. When traveling for an interview, its important to make enough time for yourinterview preparation and arranging your travel plans. You dont want to skimp on anything or force yourself into feeling rushed because you didnt give yourself enough time to prepare. Tips for Success Prepare thoroughly for the interview.Treat this interview like you would any other. Rehearseinterview questions and answers,research the company beforehandand make sure you havewhat you needfor the interview.Figure out your travel expenses before you make the commitment to go.Not surewho will pay for your trave l? If you dont have any information about whos paying when you are asked to travel for an interview, it is acceptable to ask if the company will be making the travel arrangements for you. If not, ask if there is a possibility of being reimbursed for all or part of the costs youwould incur to get to the interview. Find out who is booking the trip.In addition to finding out who is paying for your interview expenses, check how the travel arrangements will be booked. In some cases, the company will book the trip for you. In others, its up to you to make your own reservations.Be economical.If youre doing the booking andyour potential employer is paying for your expenses, dont go hog-wild on their dime. Find an inexpensive flight, book a standard hotel room and keep your room charges to the bare minimum. It doesnt hurt to ask your interviewer if they have any suggestions for their preferred airline or hotel. Give yourself a time cushion.Whether youre traveling by car, bus, train, or airpl ane, dont cut it close when it comes to time. Give yourself more time than you think you need to get there because being late is a surefire way toblow the interview. If youre flying, arrive at the airport two hours ahead of your boarding time if youre taking the bus or train, give yourself an hour.Consider arriving a day ahead of time.If punctuality is a problem for you and you have a long way to travel, consider arriving the night before your interview. That will also ensure that you are well rested and ready to do your best. Stay professional during your trip.Even if you have a few days to spare, its not a good idea to go out drinking the night before your interview- no matter how fun the new area might be. Instead, rest up as you would before any other interview.Driving? Dont rely on just your mobile GPS.If youve never been to the interview destination before, make sure you have a physical, hard-copy of the directions you need in case your phone or in-car GPS device fails.Account for day two.If you ace your interview and youre asked to return for a follow-up interview, you definitely do not want to decline. Make sure youre prepared to stay an extra day. If you can, clear your schedule for the next day and bring an extra set of interview clothes, as well as your overnight toiletries. Consider buying wrinkle-free business clothes.You want to look polished and professional for any interview, but unfortunately, wrinkles (along with stains and spills) are sometimes unavoidable when youre traveling. Look into purchasing business travel clothing that is wrinkle-resistant and versatile.Get to know the town.If you have some spare time, try to get a feel for the town culture. Explore the main street, visit a cafe, walk around town and consider the housing options and local school districts if you have a family. That way, ifyou do get the job, you wont have to make a return trip to see if the place is right for you. Follow up after the interview.Just like you should p ractice before the interview (as you would for a local position), its important to take the right post-interview steps too. Make sure youfollow upafter the interview. For example, you should send anemail thank you messagespecifying your gratitude for the opportunity to travel and the employers consideration of an out-of-town candidate. If You Get a Job Offer If youre offered the position, youll need to consider more than the salary and benefits packagewhen evaluating the job offer. When will the job start and how much time will you be given to relocate? Will the company cover some or all of yourrelocation expenses? Will the company cover short-term housing if you need time to plan a permanent move? Use acost-of-living calculatorto figure out what it will cost you to live in the new location vs. the old one.

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